Nelson Mandela
Our mission is to help individuals recover from addiction and mental health disorders by providing personalized and evidence-based treatment.
Guest Information
Lodging and Meals
Guestrooms feature twin beds, air-conditioning.
Spacious dinning and meeting areas, full service commercial kitchen.
Friendly and knowledgeable staff members.
Guest Responsibilities/Requirements Towels and bed linens are provided. It is each guest's responsibility to launder towels and bed linens and ensure their rooms are kept neat and clean. Guests may bring their own towels and linens and should provide their own shaving equipment and shampoo etc.
Beds should be made and rooms presentable by 9am and remain so throughout the day. Coin operated laundry services are available for guests. Bed linens and towels are expected to be laundered on a weekly basis.
Guests may receive mail and packages. A staff member is required to inspect all incoming guest packages and mail. Outgoing mail with the correct postage should be given to a staff member for placement into the outgoing mail for that day.
Guest Admission Requirements
Prospective guests must be 18 years or older.
Guests accepted by Sponsors Corner will understand that they may be discharged from Sponsors Corner for misconduct or rules infringement and in some cases barred from future admission to Sponsors Corner.
Guests agree that they will submit to periodic random drug and alcohol testing as well as room searches to be conducted by a Sponsors Corner staff member.
A prospective guest must sign an agreement that they will comply to the rules and expectations set forth by Sponsors Corner and will participate in all programs, sessions and daily chores as well as adhering to any new rules taken on by Sponsors Corner during their residency.
Guests must sign Medical and Medication Release form before Sponsors Corner can release any medical information to any individual or institution.
All guests must sign a Personal Property and Liability Release Wavier prior to admission.
All guest must sign an agreement to reimburse Sponsors Corner for any Sponsors Corner property that may be lost or damaged during their residency at Sponsors Corner.
All guests will sign a Disclosure of Medications Agreement. Agreeing to disclose any and all medications that may administered or dispensed during their residency.
Standard of Conduct
All guests and their visitors are expected to conduct themselves properly, respect their surroundings and refrain from inappropriate behavior at all times. Such behavior includes but is not limited to, abusive or profane language, explicit or suggestive sexual remarks or conduct, harassment and aggressive or violent behavior. Alcohol and illicit drugs are prohibited, as are racial and derogatory remarks and dissemination of such material. Sponsors Corner is a zero-tolerance facility.
Guests and residents are advised that their stay can be terminated by Sponsors Corner for cause at any time. Guests and residents may be cautioned about their behavior and may be asked to leave Sponsors Corner property.
House Rules Weapons illicit drugs and alcohol are prohibited anywhere on Sponsors Corner property.
Smoking is prohibited in all guestrooms and common areas. Smoking is only allowed in areas set aside for smoking which are clearly marked and contain the proper receptacles. Please do not discard cigarette butts on the ground, this could lead to the removal of such smoking areas.
Guests must remain on Sponsors Corner property at all times. Guests may leave the grounds only with prior approval from a staff member. Guests will sign in and sign out respectively noting the times on the sign out sheet.
All medications will be turned in both prescribed and over the counter, as well as all products containing alcohol. These medications will be stored safely and securely and administered as required to meet prescription requirements.
Radios, portable sound systems, laptop computers and televisions are not permitted. Only radios and CD players with headphones will be permitted.
Guests are not permitted to visit, converse or interact with a person or persons parked in a vehicle on Sponsors Corners property.
Guests are not permitted to become involved with the neighbors of Sponsors Corner without permission from a staff member.
Guests must turn in all medications, prescription or over the counter upon admission. These will be stored safely and securely. And will be dispensed accordingly with the prescription directions.
Cell phones beepers and any other communication devices must be turned in upon admission.
Vehicle keys must be turned in upon admission and the vehicle is to remain locked at all times.
Each guest must ensure the security of personal items such as wallets, watches, any jewelry, cash, credit cards etc. Sponsors Corner accepts no responsibility for lost or stolen item.
Guests may not turn on or otherwise operate any of Sponsors Corner equipment without permission. This includes, but is not limited to televisions, kitchen equipment, thermostats any vehicles or motorized equipment.
Breach of any of the house rules or expectations can lead to curfews, restricted recreational activities or discharge from Sponsors Corner.
Sample of Daily Guest Activities
7AM Continental breakfast. (Attendance optional)
8AM Wake up and morning chores.
9AM Morning meeting and group discussion. 45 mins
10AM Living Sober text meeting and group discussion. 45 mins
11AM Daily Soul Food reading 30 min
12PM Lunch buffet Monday through Saturday.
1PM Recovery Workshop daily , various themes. 1 hour
3PM Anger management workshop. 1 hour
6PM Dinner buffet
8PM Daily AA and NA meetings and evening work. 1 hour
Guest Activities listed above are subject to change the above list is to provide a basic outline only of possible activities.
We offer a variety of programs. Including inpatient, outpatient, and aftercare services to meet the unique needs of each individual.
Our team of experienced and compassionate professionals is dedicated to providing the highest quality care to our patients.
Read about the success stories of our patients who have overcome addiction and mental health disorders with the help of our treatment programs.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation, would like to make a donation, please contact us today
email us:
We are a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization
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